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MUSIC STORE - Professional Partner Program

Start earning money now with MUSIC STORE professional... a Professional Partner with our affiliate program!

How do I become a Professional Partner?

It’s really easy! Are you in charge of a music school, play in a band, write for a trade magazine, or run a blog or YouTube channel? Then simply register as a Professional Partner using our registration form and start linking to our shop and products on your website, YouTube channel, or Facebook page. As soon as someone visits our online shop via your links and places an order, you’ll automatically receive up to 4.00% of the purchase value credited to your customer account.

When, where, and how often you link to our shop or products is entirely up to you: Whether you place a simple button with our logo on your website linking to us, or add a product link in a YouTube description – as soon as someone clicks your link, makes a purchase, you’ll earn commission directly to your account.

How can I register?

First, you need to fill out the registration form. Within two working days, you’ll receive a pre-filled partner contract from us, which you simply need to sign and return.* After that, you’ll receive your individual Partner ID and a short introduction to the partner program.

How do I earn money as a Professional Partner?

Once a purchase is made in our shop via one of your partner links, you’ll receive a commission. Payouts are made at the end of each quarter (plus 30-day return period), meaning we measure the revenue you’ve generated during that quarter, and you’ll receive a fixed commission of 4.00% from the very first euro of sales.

Payouts begin once you’ve generated €1,000 in sales. If this threshold isn’t met in the first business year, the sales amount will carry over to the following years until the €1,000 threshold is reached. After that, the sales total resets to zero at the end of the year.

If you have further questions, feel free to email us at:

How can I link to MUSIC STORE professional or a product?

It’s very simple! You just need to add your individual Partner ID to the URL (link) of the page. The code always consists of "?ProgramUUID=" followed by your 24-character Partner ID, for example "?ProgramUUID=aBcDeFgHiJkLmNoPqRsTuVwx"

  • Example of a link to our homepage with Partner ID:

This ensures that every purchase made through your link is properly credited to your customer account.

We’ve also provided a Link Generator for you below – simply enter the URL (link) to a product, category, or landing page along with your Partner ID, and click "Create Link" (the "Campaign" field is optional – we’ll explain its use after you register). You can then copy the generated link and use it to link to us.

If you have any further questions, contact us via email at

All clear! I want to get started now!

Then please register using the available form.
All further information will follow via email.

Register now for the MUSIC STORE Professional Partner Program

* The MUSIC STORE Professional Partner Program can be terminated by either party within 72 hours without providing reasons.

Link Generator: