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Tiptop Audio ART Octopus USB/Midi to ART Interface

Item: SYN0008942-000V000268919
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Tiptop Audio ART Octopus

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USB/MIDI to ART/Trigger interface

  • ART & Drum Trigger interface
  • Voice Manager
  • Monophonic & polyphonic settings for the ART outputs
  • Drum trigger with GM assignment (MIDI Ch. 10)
  • Function of the Velocity outputs interchangeable
  • Autotuning for ART oscillators
  • 8 Drum trigger outputs (MIDI channel 10)
  • 8 status LEDs for Drum triggers
  • 8 ART Out
  • 8 Velocity Out
  • Clock & Reset outputs
  • MIDI In

Octopus USB and Midi to ART Interface

The ART Octopus from Tiptop Audio is a multi-channel USB/MIDI to ART and Drum trigger interface. The interface converts notes from the DAW or a MIDI sequencer into eight Drum triggers and eight mono or polyphonic ART outputs with freely selectable control voltage. It is NOT a classic interface that converts to 1V Oct CV and Gate! The Drum triggers are provided with the note assignment of the General MIDI standard and receive on channel 10. The corresponding status LED indicates which trigger is currently active. Any Drum module or sample player can be operated at the trigger outputs. The eight ART outputs output their data mono or polyphonic. It is therefore possible to play an eight-voice oscillator with a single cable. With modules that support the ART standard, up to 64 voices are technically possible in the modular system with an incredibly low cabling effort. The velocity outputs can be combined with the ART or trigger outputs. In addition, each socket can be switched to a modulation wheel, channel aftertouch, key and various inversions. The clock and reset outputs can be used to operate sequencer modules and Clock-Divider in sync with the DAW or MIDI master sequencer.

What is ART?

With the ART interface, TipTop Audio defines a new high-speed transmission standard that works with normal Eurorack cables. CV, Gate, Pitchbend, ModWheel, Program Change, etc. are transmitted to modules that support the ART standard with significantly reduced cabling effort. Polyphony is also supported.

Understanding the ART signal


  • Manufacturer: Tiptop Audio
  • TE / HP: 18
  • Depth (mm): 40
  • + 12 V (mA): 140
  • - 12 V (mA): 100
  • Interface function: MIDI - CV/Gate

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