Tremolo effect pedal with three sound modes for electric guitar, including power supply unit
The Source Audio Vertigo Tremolo Guitar Effects Pedal is a tremolo guitar effects pedal, featuring three modes, Normal, Harmonic, and Bias. With the Vertigo Tremolo Source Audio presents a versatile effect pedal that covers through its three operating modes a wide sound spectrum. It provides the "Normal" mode, creating knocking sound of electronically modulated tremolo while "Harmonic" is produced by alternating between a boost of high or low frequencies to create a vibrating sound that is reminiscent of a phaser. The "Bias" mode simulates the tremolo sound formerly of an American amplifier which has been generated by modulating the tubes bias.
The main features of the Source Audio Vertigo Tremolo Guitar Effects Pedal include:
3 different working modes: Normal, Harmonic, Bias
Controller: Depth, Speed, Shape, Level
Switch: Normal, Harmonic, Bias
Stereo inputs and outputs
Buffered or true bypass, switchable
Compatible with Source Audio Neuro App
Compatible with Source Audio pedals or the Hot Hand 3 Controller
MIDI-controllable using the Source Audio Neuro Hub