Note: This product is supplied as a license code. No box, no data carrier or similar. Please inform yourself about compatibility with your system, registration, download etc. on the manufacturer's website BEFORE purchasing. Registered software cannot be exchanged!
With the MF-108S,Moog delivers a special software emulation of the popular Moogerfooger Cluster Flux effects pedal that offers features not included in the original. The unmistakable sound of the hardware model with its chorus, flanging and vibrato possibilities have been carefully recreated, while CV interconnectivity, stereo functionality, an extended range of functions etc. complement the classic Moogerfooger functionality in a modern way.
Type: switches between the normal stereo ECHO with the same
Tone: affects the EQ, filtering and roughness of the delayed audio signal with Legacy, Analogue and Modern settings
TimingTone : can preserve tight digital timing or add loose timing instabilities
Out or phase: enables numerous stereo routings, splits DRY and WET signals in the stereo field and creates phase-inverted outputs for deeper stereo imaging
Also on board are CV inputs for
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