One instrument - two sound options
The Meinl Slap Shake is a nifty little gimmick for your cajon and offers a combination of Meinls lightweight castanets and percussive shakers. The Velcro fastener allows you to freely position the Slap Shake on your instrument.
Clever construction
The rubber wood body provides the required resonance for this great construction. The inside features multiple chambers with a filling that provide the unique and consistent shaker sound. A system with springs on both sides keeps the Slap Shakers apart which allows you to play a cutting castanet sound with every slap. Which ever application you with choose, played by hand as a shaker or as a clever combination on the cajon, the Slap Shake will always provide a great sound.
MEINL Slap Shake features:
• Size: Medium
• Material: rubber wood
• Built-in shake effect
• Spring mounted castanet
• Two sound options: shaker & slap
• Velcro fastener
• Color: black/red