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Kodamo EssenceFM MKII
FM Synthesizer
Kodamo EssenceFM MKII at a glance:
19" rack/desktop synthesizer
FM synthesis with 6 operators
7" touch screen
300 voices
16 parts
3328 presets
6-operators FM structure
48 editable waveforms
Multimode filter (resonant)
Effect processor
Modulation matrix
Imports DX7 patches
Four stereo outputs
USB for data exchange
MIDI In/Out/Thru
The KodamoEssenceFM MKII is a digital rack/desktop synthesizer that brings FM, subtractive synthesis and resonant multimode filters under one hat. The lush architecture offers 300 voices that can be applied to 16 parts/tracks. So using the EssenceFM MKII as a drum synthesizer is an obvious and interesting task for the instrument. By layering the individual 6-operator FM structures, even ultra complex sounds with up to 12, 18, 24 or more operators are possible! Patches from the Yamaha DX-7 synthesizer can also be imported. If you love FM sounds but a DX-7 is a book with seven seals, this desktop synthesizer from Kodamo is recommended, because the large 7" touch display immediately reconciles with the extensive synthesis.
New in version MKII
The number of editable waveforms has been doubled from 24 to 48. Instead of the lowpass filter per voice, there is now an equally resonant multimode filter that covers lowpass, Bandpass and Highpass. Externally, there has been an update: the front panel has become slightly thicker, but the fixed rack ears have given way. These have been replaced by easily mountable side panels, which at the same time slightly slant the control panel. In addition, the rack ears can now be mounted by the user as required. The signal converters have also been optimized, the level of the analog outputs is now higher. To demonstrate the possibilities of the new filters and waveforms, the MKII comes with the pre-installed soundbank "Back to the FM Vol.1" by Pulsophonic.
The large 7" touchscreen is the central control element next to the large encoder: waveforms and envelopes can be drawn by hand if required, FM models can be adjusted as desired and parameters can be set in an instant. Effects, tone scales, part assignments, preset management, Arpeggiator or modulation matrix; this and more can be conveniently accessed and edited with the touchscreen.