Flurry by Intellijel is a multitool for noise sounds, generates random CVs, extracts control voltages from an external audio signal and bends internal and external control voltages in all directions. Due to its mostly parallel usable functions, Flurry can be profitably used in almost every patch.
Noise in all colors
Flurry generates analog white and pink noise and additionally offers 16 digital noise models that can be morphed. This variety of noise is very interesting in many ways, because noise is on the one hand a very lively and variable CV source, on the other hand it can be used to decisively change the sound character as an added signal and to craft a variety of percussion sounds with it.
Coincidences in all variations
Flurry mastersrandom voltages right off the bat. With Sample & Hold and Track & Hold there are two options to choose from. Thanks to useful normalizations within the module, Flurry generates random CVs on its own. The clock generator is prewired to the trigger input, this can be replaced by another signal like eg. a Gate from the sequencer or the Clock from a MIDI interface. White noise is normalized to the sample input, can be replaced via patch cable by pink noise or noise morphing, among others. Thus all criteria for versatile and above all freely patchable S&H / T&H random voltages are fulfilled, the voltage is output via the HOLD socket.
Coincidences part II - other control voltages
The clock generator itself can be switched between even, clocked Clock and Random; the latter produces rather random results concerning speed and pulse length. The signal is output via PULSE. The output of the S/T&H circuit is also normalized to the input of the slew limiter. If there is no cable in the SLEW IN socket, SLEW OUT provides the normalized control voltage. The Slew Limiter can also be used separately, in this case you feed any CV to the SLEW IN socket, select the edge with the toggle switch (rising edge, falling edge or both) and adjust the degree of bending with the knob, the smoothed result is available at SLEW OUT. As an alternative to the Slew Limiter, the same parameters and connections act as an envelope follower. If you connect a drum computer to SLEW IN eg., the circuit can extract a control voltage from the audio signal that follows the level curve continuously.