non-invasive analog optocoupler for voltage control and to not distort the old original sound
Audio input for distortion
CV inputs for decay, Pitch & distortion
Trigger & Accent inputs
Audio outputs for Clean & Distorted
newly developed in cooperation with Erica Synths
Erica Synths x Hexinverter Mutant Drums sound demo
Hexinverter Mutant Bassdrum in detail
The Mutant bass drum from Hexinverter brings the sound of the legendary TR-808 kick to the Eurorack with a few extras. In collaboration with Erica Synths, a revised, optimized circuit has been created that is in no way inferior to the sound of the first Mutant generation. The fully analog module scores with an extended control range of parameters and has been supplemented by an excellent sounding distortion. The distortion itself comes from the BatteryAcid module from Hexinverter and can be used independently of the Bassdrum thanks to the separate audio input. The audio outputs Clean and Distorted provide the original signal and the distorted version respectively. There are control voltage inputs for the decay, Pitch and Distortion parameters, which have been equipped with "non-invasive" optocouplers so as not to distort the original sound. In addition to the trigger input, an accent input provides dynamic accents in the familiar TR manner.