The HEDD Audio HEDDphones represent an innovative development in the field of open studio headphones: The AMT principle (Air Motion Transformer) used in studio monitors has been optimized by the developers to such an extent that the entire frequency range is covered. In this way, the concept, which is popular because of its linearity and transient fidelity, can be used not only for tweeters but also for headphones. The HEDDphones thus achieve a linear frequency response across the audible spectrum and deliver a much faster and more direct response than any other traditional transducer concept. This makes them an interesting choice for headphone-based mixing, critical cross-listening and mastering work.
I had been preparing to buy HEDDphone for about two years. I watched all the YouTube videos and was a bit incredulous that a headset could really be that good. I already had the RME ADI-2 Pro Fs R BE sound card/DAC because of my mastering work, but I never dreamed that I would have the money to buy such an expensive headphone and use it in Balances Phone Mod with the ADI-2. I don't regret that decision. In fact, there really is nothing else like the soundstage and detail of this headphone, perhaps the Audeze LCD-XC comes closest in capability. Of course, I was also worried about the heavy weight of the headphones, but I have no problem keeping them on my head for 5-6 hours, they are extremely comfortable. What I'd rather get used to is the headband without bobbing, because the diaphragm can crackle when the head is moved, so it's not a headbanger headphone. If you can get used to sitting like a sphinx while mastering, you'll enjoy every minute of it.
The crackling virtually stopped when the Topping A90Discrete headphone amp arrived. So the point is, you need a headphone amp that can deliver high power at low impedance and keep the diaphragms tight during operation... It would have been nice if they had told us that, although the fact is that the RME ADI-2 Fs R's 3.6 Watts is nothing compared to Topping's 9.8 Watts. From interviews with the HEDD team, it appears that the HEDDphone can handle 5 Watts...