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Flame Joystick Rekorder

Item: SYN0007038-000
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Flame's joystick recorder is a performance-oriented CV controller that can store its movements. Joystick, Sequencer, Gate, Joyr...  All product info

€ 168.00
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Flame Joystickrekorder

joystick controller

Flame's joystick recorder is a performance-oriented CV controller that can store its movements. The controller outputs voltages between +/- 5 V or 10 V on two axes. In addition, there is a gate output that generates a gate for each new movement. With the two attenuators, the CV value per output can be reduced. The special feature of the module is the possibility to record movements of the joystick for a little more than one minute and to play them individually or in an endless loop. Playback can even be automated via start/reset connections, e.g. from a sequencer module. Freeze freezes the current CV value before the joystick jumps back to the middle position.

Flame Joystick Recorder at a glance:

  • Eurorack module
  • Joystick Controller
  • X/Y CV outputs
  • Gate Output
  • Playback of the recording can be automated via start/reset
  • One minute recording time
  • 8 TE Width


  • Manufacturer: Flame
  • TE / HP: 8
  • Depth (mm): 33
  • + 12 V (mA): 30
  • - 12 V (mA): 5
Flame Joystick Rekorder Product ImageFlame Joystick Rekorder
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