Inside the EMG-89 pickup are both single and dual-coil pickups, each with its own output. The single-coil mode is an Alnico loaded stacked EMG-SA. The dual-coil mode consists of two Alnico loaded coils opposite one another creating a pickup similar to the EMG-85. A push/pull volume or tone enables you to switch from the clarity of a single-coil to the fatness of a humbucking. Virtually noiseless in both modes, it can also be used with several EMG accessories such as the SPC, EXG expander, or the PA2 preamp booster.
Features: EMG 89 Humbucker Dual Mode Pickup Humbucker (Modell 85) and Single-Coil (Modell SA) all in one AlNiCo Magnets 2 single outputs Push-Pull Volumeswitch EMG Logo cupfer color: black Output Impedance (Kohm) 10 Current @ 9V (Microamps) 160 Battery Life (Hours) 1500
Singlecoil Humbucker Resonant Frequency (kHz) 3,75 2,55 RMS Output Voltage 0,6 1,0 Peak Output Voltage 0,85 1,75 Output Noise (dBV) -94 -99