The Doepfer A-160-5V Clock Multiplier / Ratcheting Controller is used to manipulate incoming clock signals. The incoming signal is multiplied by a factor that depends upon the control voltage on socket CV In (0...+5V) and the position of the Mode switch. The multiplied clock signal is available at the socket Clock Out. According to the position of the Mode switch different clock multiplying factors are assigned to the control voltage. With 0V CV no clock output is generated. This state is indicated by "all LEDs off". With increasing CV integer factors (left position of the mode switch), power of two factors (middle position) or a mix of both (right position) are obtained. Nine LEDs are used to show the currently selected multiplying factor. In addition two LEDs are used to display the incoming and outgoing clock signal. A manual control is used to adjust the clock multiplication factor manually without the need of an external control voltage.
The vintage edition is identical to the original but appears in vintage dark grey.
The main features of the Doepfer A-160-5V Clock Multiplier / Ratcheting Controller include: