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After Later Audio Canyon

Item: SYN0008536-000
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After Later Audio Canyon, Wavefolder, Crossfader, Mixer, Cascades, Brooks, Coco System, CV, Eurorack, Modular System  All product info

€ 119.00
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After Later Audio Canyon

Sub Harmonics Generator with Crossfader

  • Sub Harmonics Generator
  • Crossfader
  • 2 audio inputs
  • Odd, Even & Mix outputs
  • CV input for crossfader
  • 2 reset inputs
  • Compatible with the VCOs Cascades and Brooks
  • Part of the ALA Coco system

Canyon by After Later Audio is a combination of analog sub harmonics generator and crossfader. The Sub Harmonics generator is divided into two sections fed by two different clock sources (square waveform oscillators). The first section provides odd subharmonics that divide the oscillator frequency by 1, 3, 5 and 7. The second section provides even subharmonics that divide the oscillator frequency by 2, 4, 6, and 8. The outputs from these two sections are then mixed together via a voltage controlled crossfader. The outputs can be used either in the audio section to create lush sounds, or at slower rates as CV sources that can even be patched back into one of the oscillators.
The module is part of the ALA Coco system, a composite of up to three Cascades or Brooks oscillators and a Canyon respectively Valley module. These oscillators are connected to Canyon in any way (e.g. 1x Cascades and 2x Brooks) on the back. This has the advantage that Canyon can take control of the Keytracking for one or all oscillators and switch Hardsync from oscillator 1 to 2 (and 3). In addition, the square wave outputs of oscillators 1, 2 and 3 are normalized to Canyon's inputs; of course, other waveforms can be used by patching. The selection or oscillator 1 & 3 or 2 is fed into the Even respectively Odd section is done via toggle switch. In the end this combination goes in the direction of Oskar Sala's Mixtur Trautonium and promises powerful, ultra-deep basslines and harmonic frequency mixes based on 1-3 oscillators.

COCO System Part One: CANYON

CANYON: Sub-harmonic/Stepped CV Generator


  • Manufacturer: After Later Audio
  • TE / HP: 10
  • Depth (mm): 25
  • + 12 V (mA): 35
  • - 12 V (mA): 25
After Later Audio Canyon Product ImageAfter Later Audio Canyon
€ 119.00
€ 209.00
€ 105.00
€ 119.00
€ 119.00
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