With Mazel tov! Volker Luft, composer and guitarist, shares his love of klezmer music with the most beautiful pieces of the genre for solo guitar. This musical style conveys the full range of emotions and also has a tonal variety that simply sweeps you along.
The easily playable arrangements are suitable for an introduction to Klezmer and are an absolute enrichment for a versatile repertoire. After all, flexibility and the willingness to learn new things is an important criterion for successful music making. In addition to the sheet music, the edition has tabs that make it possible to work through the pieces even without knowledge of sheet music. An informative preface with a definition and an overview of the history of klezmer contributes to understanding. Extensive background knowledge enhances the authenticity of the interpretation and lets players feel the music even better.
Expand your horizons and immerse yourself in a whole new world.
Definition of Klezmer
History of Klezmer
Musical forms
Boyberiker Khasene (Boyberiker Wedding)
Boyberiker Nigun (Boyberiker melody)
Zol Zayn Freylekh (Let us be merry)
Khasene March (Wedding March)
Rebbe Hut Gehesen Freylekh Zayn (The Rabbi said let us be merry)
Khosidl (Hasidic dance)
Khupah (Wedding Dance)
Nigun (Song without words)
Mizrekhdik Nigun (Oriental melody)
Nokh A Glezl Vayn (Another glass of wine)
Khosn Kale Mazel Tov (Good luck to the bride and groom)