The AKG DMS Tetrad Mix Set EU consists of a DPT Tetrad EU Bodypack Transmitter with C111 LP Earset Microphone and a Hand DHT Tetrad D5 EU Transmitter. It combines full sound quality with intelligent noise suppression and easy operation. Because DMS Tetrad uses non-registered radio frequencies, you can start immediately after unpacking. This makes the DMS Tetrad Mix Set EU ideal for live presenters, speakers, guitarists and bassists.
The unique radio transmission of the AKG DMS Tetrad series does not compress the sound. This means that the sound is not changed or degraded, as is often the case with digital radio systems. Instead, the audio signal is transmitted to the receiver in 24 bits and 48 KHz - that's better than CD quality! The result is the excellent audio quality of the DMS Tetrad series.
The pocket transmitter transmits the unadulterated sound of instruments. The earpiece microphone lets you move freely on stage. The skin-coloured C111 LP is visually inconspicuous and adapts to any head.
The D5 microphone capsule in the hand-held transmitter guarantees excellent speech intelligibility and protection against feedback. The powerful sound of the wireless microphone is very well accepted live. The D5 microphone capsule is elastically suspended and provides excellent grip noise attenuation.
Operation is very simple, even for inexperienced users. You do not have to set any channels or frequencies. The AKG DMS Tetrad system automatically searches for a free frequency range in the registration-free frequency band. The rear antennas can be unscrewed to place them at an optimal reception position. Alternatively, they can be mounted from the front or on an antenna cable. The battery life of the pocket transmitter is up to 7 hours. This makes it possible to play longer gigs without changing the battery.
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