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The History of DV247 and Music Store professional

DV247 and Music store professional have been working together for more than 20 years, originally through collaboration with purchasing deals and industry events. So there has always been a friendly relationship between both companies.

When in 2013 DV247 found themselves in financial troubles following the global financial crisis, Paul Dennis reached out to Music Store general manager Michael Sauer to see if he would be willing help and work together.

Michael Sauer acted immediately and travelled to Romford to reach an agreement with Paul to help prevent the company from going under. This involved acquiring a significant stake in the company, making Romford the main focus in the U.K and consolidating their stock in a single location.

However, as Michael had bad experiences with chains in Germany as most collapsed due to the ever increasing popularity of online shops, it was agreed that only the main shop in Romford, the education services and online shop would be retained while the smaller satellite shops would be closed.

MorganMichael Sauer and his beloved Morgan, we drive British!

In return, the shop in Romford was doubled in size, making it one of the largest dealers for musical instruments and pro audio equipment in the UK. The plan is now to double the size of the shop again to 2000m² next year. Even the number of parking spaces was doubled.

After half a year we centralized the logistics as we noticed that it made little sense to operate two almost identical warehouses – keeping the merged companies stock in this one huge space gave a massive stock reserve and much smoother delivery service opportunity to offer customers. In our Cologne warehouse we stock more than 48,000 different products with a total value of more than £40 million. No other dealer in the UK has a warehouse this size and is still able to make everything immediately available.

The DV247 online shop continued to operate unchanged in order to help present the same face that DV247 customers had become used to. Fitting this final piece of the puzzle into place and consolidating the identities of DV247 and Music Store online was always an important goal, and one that will soon be reaching fruition.

Now we have decided to deactivate the out-of-date shop and move to a new platform shared with Music Store. This Intershop platform offers all of the latest state-of-the-art technology. Such as responsive design which automatically and seamlessly adjusts the scaling of how the online shop is displayed to the size of any screen. From high-resolution monitors to smart phones and everything in between. The new shop also features a package discount system, which offers an increasing discount with every additional item purchased. This is essentially a digital, automated version of a salesperson giving a customer a discount for large purchases and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

We also offer a digital catalogue which gives you a page-turning overview of all our best deals.

With all these big changes, it was very important to us that DV 247 retains its British identity. The continuing support of the large Romford store, website modernisation and physical catalogue proves the strength of the union, both now and in the future.

One of the original shop locations in Chadwell Heath, Romford:

Chadwell Heath, Romford