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Zoom VRH-8

Artikel: REC0015838-000
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Ambisonic capsule for the Zoom H8. Enables the recording of realistic sound spaces, virtual reality, for games, etc.  Alle Artikelinfos

185,00 € UVP 219,00 €
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Zoom VRH-8

Zoom VRH-8 Capsule for Zoom H8 Overview:

  • Additional capsule for Zoom H8
  • 4 condenser subcapsules in ambisonics arrangement
  • integrated ambisonics decoder converts directly into a stereo signal
  • perfect for virtual reality eg. for computer games, exhibitions

The Zoom VRH-8 is a powerful accessory for the Zoom H8 multitrack recorder. It is attached to the recorder instead of the standard X/Y capsule and is mounted together with the recorder on a standard microphone stand. The VRH-8 consists of 4 small diaphragm condenser capsules in Ambisoncs arrangement. An integrated decoder converts the 4 signals into a stereo signal in real time. In this way, the creation of three-dimensional audio spaces is possible without the otherwise required considerable effort. Such recordings are often used for computer games, sound installations, room recording or exhibitions, especially in combination with 3D video.

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