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Wise Publications Justinguitar.com Note Reading For Guitarists

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This comprehensive guide has been specially created for any guitarist who wants to learn note reading, be they beginners or mor...  Alle Artikelinfos

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Wise Publications Justinguitar.com Note Reading For Guitarists

This comprehensive guide has been specially created for any guitarist who wants to learn note reading, be they beginners or more advanced players who have neglected this part of their musicianship.
It starts with the very basics of written music and progressively introduces notes on each string one at a time until all notes in the "open position" (first five frets) of the Guitar have been mastered, and up to 8th note rhythm subdivisions have been learned and applied. Also covered are sharps, flats, key signatures, accidentals, repeats and more. Each step includes practical exercises, handy tips and tricks and a simple repertoire for students to put their reading skills into practice.


  • Hersteller: Wise Publications
  • Instrument: Gitarre
  • Medium: Lehrbuch
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Schwierigkeitsgrad: Leicht (2)
  • Arrangement: Gitarre
  • Mit Noten: Ja
  • Mit Tabaulatur: Nein
  • CD: Nein
  • DVD: Nein
  • CD-ROM: Nein
  • Download: Nein
  • Seitenanzahl: 152
  • Serie: Justinguitar.com
  • Autor: J. Sandercoe, D. Cortese
  • Verlagsnummer: AM1012088
  • ISBN: 978-1-78558-369-8
Wise Publications Justinguitar.com Note Reading For Guitarists ProduktbildWise Publications Justinguitar.com Note Reading For Guitarists
26,99 €
26,95 €
28,90 €
24,95 €
25,99 €
19,95 €

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