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Voggenreiter Music Theory Basics ENGLISH

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The Voggenreiter Music Theory Basics, ENGLISH, Incl CD explains the essential music fundamentals of music theory, concent...  Alle Artikelinfos

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Music theory Basics

The Voggenreiter Music Theory Basics, ENGLISH, Incl CD explains the essential music fundamentals of music theory, concentrating on the fundamentals and very basics. This is the perfect platform to start your journey into musical theory. There are loads of examples on the accompanying CD to let you hear how this theoretical knowledge can be applied – making this not only a theory book, but a practical lesson in theory as well.

The main features of the Voggenreiter Music Theory Basics, ENGLISH, Incl CD include:

  • Media : Book & CD
  • Language : English
  • Length : 64 Pages
  • Author : Herbert Kraus
  • Publisher Code : 0971-4
  • CD Included


  • Hersteller: Voggenreiter
  • Medium: Fachbuch
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • CD: Ja
  • DVD: Nein
  • CD-ROM: Nein
  • Download: Nein
  • Seitenanzahl: 64
  • Autor: Herbert Kraus
  • Format: DIN A4
  • Verlagsnummer: 0971-4
  • ISBN: 978-3-8024-0971-4
Voggenreiter Music Theory Basics ENGLISH ProduktbildVoggenreiter Music Theory Basics ENGLISH
6,99 €

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