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Voggenreiter Guitar Chords ENGLISH

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This Guitar Chord reference chart has been especially designed with the working and studying guitarist in mind. It features an...  Alle Artikelinfos

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Guitar Chords - English

This Guitar Chord reference chart has been especially designed with the working and studying guitarist in mind. It features an overview of more than 4000 chords and their most popular voicings in Rock, Pop and Jazz.

Additional chapters on playing techniques, chord synonyms, power chords and slash chords can be helpful to further improve your understanding of music and individually enhance your creative potential.


  • Hersteller: Voggenreiter
  • Instrument: Gitarre
  • Medium: Grifftabelle
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Arrangement: Gitarre
  • Mit Noten: Nein
  • Mit Tabaulatur: Nein
  • CD: Nein
  • DVD: Nein
  • CD-ROM: Nein
  • Download: Nein
  • Seitenanzahl: 144
  • Autor: Bessler, Opgenoorth
  • Format: DIN A5
  • Beschaffenheit 1: Taschenbuch Ausgabe/Broschur
  • Verlagsnummer: 0341-5
  • ISBN: 978-3-8024-0341-5
Voggenreiter Guitar Chords ENGLISH ProduktbildVoggenreiter Guitar Chords ENGLISH
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