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Voggenreiter Accordion Basics ENGLISH

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Accordion Basics is your easy introduction to the world of accordion playing. This tutorial provides the accordion beginner w...  Alle Artikelinfos

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Accordion Basics

Accordion Basics is your easy introduction to the world of accordion playing.

This tutorial provides the accordion beginner with everything necessary to know, including notation, correct posture as well as easy exercises to practice the bellows movement and playing with both hands. The chosen musical pieces are arranged in an easy way and ensure a fast and guaranteed success.

The accompanying CD allows you to listen to and play along with all the exercises and songs.

This tutorial has been designed for the piano accordion. The right hand plays the keys as on the piano while the left hand plays the accompaniment on the bass buttons.


  • Hersteller: Voggenreiter
  • Instrument: Akkordeon
  • Medium: Lehrbuch
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Schwierigkeitsgrad: Anfänger (1)
  • Arrangement: Akkordeon
  • CD: Ja
  • DVD: Nein
  • Download: Nein
  • Seitenanzahl: 64
  • Autor: Herb Kraus
  • Format: DIN A4
  • Verlagsnummer: 953-0
  • ISBN: 978-3-8024-953-0
Voggenreiter Accordion Basics ENGLISH ProduktbildVoggenreiter Accordion Basics ENGLISH
6,99 €

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