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Tiptop Audio Model 245t Sequential Voltage Source

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Eurorack-Clone des Buchla Analog Sequencer mit vier Reihen zu je fünf Schritten mit einigen Extras.  Alle Artikelinfos

244,00 €
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TipTop Audio Sequential Voltage Source 245t

Analogue sequencer with 4 rows of 5 steps each

  • Eurorack clone based on Buchla model
  • 4 rows of 5 steps each
  • CV output per row
  • Gate output per step
  • Variable pulse width with CV control
  • Clock generator with CV control
  • Start/Stop inputs (clock & trigger)
  • Pulser
  • Stage Select inputs
  • Processes clocks in audio range
  • Generates new waveforms in the audio section 

Buchla & Tiptop Audio - Series 200

TipTop Audio Sequential Voltage Source 245t at a glance

TipTop Audio has realized in cooperation with Buchla a completely Eurorack-compatible version of the four-row analogue sequencer. In the main, the module has four always parallel running sequencer rows with five steps each, which output control voltages one after the other. Thus the 245t belongs to the classic modulation sources of a modular system and is of course not only suitable for controlling the pitch of oscillators. For each step the module outputs a gate and the steps can be selectively jumped to with a different voltage. Thanks to its own clock generator, the Sequential voltage source can run autonomously without depending on external signals; moreover, the Clock can be modulated by means of control voltage, which can even be done by one of its own four rows. Or one pushes respectively the Clock with an attack/decay envelope on/off. If you want the 245t to run synchronously to the master clock eg. from a MIDI interface, there are start/stop inputs on the module for this. The pulse width of the gate outputs can be set for all steps manually and via control voltage.

If the Sequencer module is driven with the square waveform of an oscillator in the audio section instead of a clock signal, the four CV outputs will output a square-like waveform whose shape is defined by the five controls on each row. In other words, the 245t generates new oscillator waveforms when clocked at matching speeds!


  • Hersteller: TipTop Audio
  • TE / HP: 30
  • Tiefe (mm): 25
  • + 12 V (mA): 63
  • - 12 V (mA): 28
Tiptop Audio Model 245t Sequential Voltage Source ProduktbildTiptop Audio Model 245t Sequential Voltage Source
244,00 €
440,00 €
228,00 €
255,00 €
244,00 €
117,00 €

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