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Meng Qi Honey

Artikel: SYN0008961-000
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Basiert auf dem Bytebeat-Prinzip, berührungsempfindliche Oberfläche mit einem internen Lautsprecher  Alle Artikelinfos

46,00 €
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Touch-sensitive instrument

  • Touch-sensitive sound instrument
  • Based on the bytebeat principle
  • Battery operation with only one AAA battery
  • Internal loudspeaker

Discover the Meng Qi Honey - a compact, touch-sensitive instrument based on innovative Bytebeat technology. This unique instrument fits comfortably in the palm of your hand and is powered by a single AAA battery. No external audio output is required for sound generation, as the Meng Qi Honey has an integrated speaker that allows you to experience its mesmerizing sounds directly.

The essence of the Meng Qi Honey lies at its heart: complex internal equations consisting of a mixture of five variables and four mathematical functions that are dynamically manipulated by six different operators. These constantly changing algorithms create a variety of sounds, ranging from delicate, shimmering melodies to intense, chaotic sonic experiences. Thanks to these constant evolutionary processes, the Honey offers an almost endless palette of sonic discoveries that come to life at the simple touch of your fingertips.


  • Hersteller: Meng Qi
  • Bauform / Tastenanzahl: Desktop ohne Tastatur
  • Tonerzeugung: Digital
  • Anzahl Pads: 6
  • Lautsprecher: Ja
  • Batterien enthalten: Nein
  • Polyphonie: 1
  • Stromversorgung: Batterien
Meng Qi Honey ProduktbildMeng Qi Honey
46,00 €
49,00 €
39,95 €
47,00 €
46,00 €

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