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König & Meyer 17510 Guardian Rollensatz 4er Set

Artikel: GIT0040044-000
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The K&M 17510 Casters for Guardian Guitar Stand is a set of four locking casters made from steel in black with an unl...  Alle Artikelinfos

17,50 € UVP 25,00 €
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The K&M 17510 Casters for Guardian Guitar Stand is a set of four locking casters made from steel in black with an unlubricated, anti-scratch design. This set of casters makes your Guardian guitar stand mobile. These soft wheels are designed for used on hard floors and won't scratch!

The main features of the K&M 17510 Casters for Guardian Guitar Stand include:

  • Contents: 4x Casters
  • Material: Steel
  • Type: Locking
  • Weight: 0.36 kg
  • Colour: Black


  • Hersteller: König & Meyer
König & Meyer 17510 Guardian Rollensatz 4er Set ProduktbildKönig & Meyer 17510 Guardian Rollensatz 4er Set
17,50 €
23,00 €
15,50 €
17,90 €
16,90 €
13,00 €

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