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Jamey Aebersold Aebersold: How To Play Jazz And Improvise Vol.1, inkl. CD

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This is the culmination of Jamey’s 30 years as one of the world’s leading jazz exponents. Volume 1 has unlocked the mysteries ...  Alle Artikelinfos
Jamey Aebersold

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Jamey Aebersold - How To Play Jazz And Improvise

This is the culmination of Jamey’s 30 years as one of the world’s leading jazz exponents. Volume 1 has unlocked the mysteries of jazz improv for a whole generation of musicians who previously had nowhere to turn. Easy to understand and inspiring for all musicians wishing to explore the secrets of jazz improv. CD includes blues in Bb and F, four dorian minor tracks, four-measure cadences, cycle of dominants, 24-measure song, II/V7 in all keys. Book includes transposed parts for all instruments. The CD includes Jamey playing exercises from the book. Hear the master clinician show you exactly how it's done!


  • Hersteller: Jamey Aebersold
  • Medium: Lehrbuch
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • CD: Ja
  • DVD: Nein
  • CD-ROM: Nein
  • Download: Nein
  • Seitenanzahl: 104
  • Serie: Jamey Aebersold Play-A-Long
  • Band/Volume: 1
  • Herausgeber: Jamey Aebersold
  • Verlagsnummer: AEB 14001
  • ISBN: 978-1-56224-122-3
Jamey Aebersold Aebersold: How To Play Jazz And Improvise Vol.1, inkl. CD ProduktbildJamey Aebersold Aebersold: How To Play Jazz And Improvise Vol.1, inkl. CD
20,95 €
26,90 €
22,00 €
17,50 €

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