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Hal Leonard The Guitar Player Repair Guide Dan Erlewine

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This expanded edition for beginners to experts is a step-by-step manual to maintaining and repairing electric and acoustic g...  Alle Artikelinfos

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The Guitar Player Repair Guide – 3rd Revised Edition

This expanded edition for beginners to experts is a step-by-step manual to maintaining and repairing electric and acoustic guitars and basses. Players learn how to set up a guitar and keep it in top form by mastering basic maintenance. Features an essential DVD that makes guitar maintenance easier than ever. New features include set-up specs of leading players; stronger coverage of guitar electronics, including pickups and wiring diagrams; and expanded coverage of acoustics.


  • Hersteller: Hal Leonard
  • Medium: Fachbuch
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • CD: Nein
  • DVD: Ja
  • Download: Nein
  • Seitenanzahl: 336
  • Auflage: 3. Auflage
  • Autor: Dan Erlewine
  • Verlagsnummer: HL00331793
  • ISBN: 9780879309213
Hal Leonard The Guitar Player Repair Guide Dan Erlewine ProduktbildHal Leonard The Guitar Player Repair Guide Dan Erlewine
42,50 €

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