Boosey & Hawkes Microjazz Beginners ist eine vielseitig gestaltete Klaviermethode, die Anfängern und Anfängerinnen einen Einstieg quer durch alle Stile ermöglicht. Sie baut auf Boosey & Hawkes Microjazz For Absolute Beginners auf und vermittelt von Anfang an Klaviertechnicken und Theorie zu Jazz, Blues, Rock 'n' Roll oder Reggae und thematisiert so bereits früh die verschiedenen Charakteristika der Genres.
Für einen praxisorientierten Unterricht enthält die Ausgabe sehr leicht bis leicht gehaltene Arrangements für Klavier, anhand derer die Lektionen sofort am Instrument umgesetzt werden können. Unterstützend stehen dazu eingespielte Begleittracks zum Download bereit, die ein ultimatives und motivierendes Klangerlebnis bieten.
Chapter 1
build and play major scales
read and play music written within key signatures
A new piece
Left behind
Building a major scale
Walkung tune
Key signatures - Swap over - Delicate touch
Chapter 2
read, play and follow rhythms which include quavers
play using a new hand position for the left hand, with new notes (C and D)
play two-note chords in the left hand
recognise and describe intervals using numbers
Quavers - Step time - A waltz tune - Buttercups - Standing alone - A new rhythm - Jumpy - Calm waters - A new position for your left hand - Cathedral Close - Echoes - Chords - Folk tune - A little raggy - Intervals
Chapter 3
play using a new hand position for the right hand, with new notes (A, B, C and D)
play using a new hand position for the right hand, including a new note (B flat)
play music in a ‘blues’ style
understand ledger lines
play using a new hand position for the right hand, with a new note (G)
A new position for your right hand - Climbing - Snowdrop waltz - Going somewhere - More new positions for your right hand - Two can play - Got the blues - In a flap - Ledger lines - Hymn tune - Mule train
Chapter 4
play using a new hand position for the left hand, with new notes (G, A and B)
construct and play two-note chords in the right hand
adopt good fingering technique to play scales smoothly
move your hand position during a piec
A new position for your left hand - Slow lane - Never catching up - More about chords - Bus lane - Step up - Playing scales - Ledger line scales - Moving your hand - Finger swapping - Fancy that
Chapter 5
understand, clap and play rhythms which include dotted notes
build and play minor scales
play using a new hand position for the right hand, with very high notes
recognise and understand quaver rest
Dotted notes - On the dot - Two-timing - Oboe tune - Scale of E minor - Last chance - A new scale to play - Ups and downs - A new position for your right hand - All change! - Quaver rests - Rock steady - Scale of F major - Into the sun