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AMA Verlag Adventures in Guitar 1Englisch Jens Kienbaum,inkl. CD

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AMA Verlag Adventures in Guitar 1Englisch Jens Kienbaum,inkl. CD Produktbild
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New teaching and study concept for modern guitar instruction - Expedition into the tonal world of the guitar - Using the guita...  Alle Artikelinfos

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Adventures in Guitar Vol. 1

New teaching and study concept for modern guitar instruction - Expedition into the tonal world of the guitar - Using the guitar as a harmony instrument from the very beginning - Classical and modern pieces - Tirando (free stroke) - Apoyando (resting stroke) - Accompanying techniques - Solo pieces and duets - The student is encouraged to learn in an exploratory fashion which motivates and keeps interest piqued for the next step - Provides an excellent foundation for specialing in a certain style later.


  • Hersteller: AMA Verlag
  • Instrument: Gitarre
  • Medium: Lehrbuch
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Schwierigkeitsgrad: Anfänger (1)
  • Arrangement: Gitarre
  • Mit Noten: Ja
  • Mit Tabaulatur: Ja
  • CD: Ja
  • DVD: Nein
  • CD-ROM: Nein
  • Download: Nein
  • Seitenanzahl: 124
  • Autor: Jens Kienbaum
  • Format: DIN A4
  • Verlagsnummer: 610380E
  • ISBN: 978-3-89922-090-2
  • ISMN: M-50155-035-7
AMA Verlag Adventures in Guitar 1Englisch Jens Kienbaum,inkl. CD ProduktbildAMA Verlag Adventures in Guitar 1Englisch Jens Kienbaum,inkl. CD
26,95 €
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24,95 €
19,95 €

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